Thursday, March 11, 2010

Phone that can read your lips!

"Researchers at Germany's Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) have developed a method for mobile phones to convert silent mouth movements into speech. The technology is based on the principle of electromyography, that is the acquisition and recording of electrical potentials generated by muscle activity. This muscle activity is measured in the face and converted into speech." (

You literally put the phone against your cheek and it will interpret your facial muscles.

Here are some mof the advantages that  I can think of right away;

  1. Deaf people will no longer look silly on the phone. "Hello!? I CAN'T HEAR YOU!"
  2. Also Deaf people can talk now without having to worry about making "funny" noises in front of people.
  3. Anyone will be able to tell their passwords, PINS, "I love you" on the phone anywhere and anytime.

At the  same time, a question arises, How many Deaf people know how to talk or at least move their mouth to form the words correctly? Beside, Deaf people still can not hear anythingon the phone.

Is this really going to help Deaf people or not? 

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