A blind man said "has hope (is) that one day he might earn his driver's license -- something he never before imagined possible...." This is absolutely remarkable. I certainly did not foresee this happening anytime soon. The National Federation of the Blind (NFB) challenged USA to build a vehicle for the Blind. They had certain requirements that must be met in order to be considered an acceptable solution. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) took it a step further and held several different contests with the goal to inspire the students to come up with an innovative solution. A nine-person team of students from Virginia Tech's Robotics and Mechanisms Laboratory got it!
"Virginia Tech's Robotics and Mechanisms Laboratory developed a driver-assist system that uses laser range finders, an instant voice-command interface and a host of other cutting-edge technologies to guide blind drivers as they steer, brake and accelerate. The new system was put to good use last year (2009) at a summer camp where 20 blind and low-vision teens were able to take the wheel of a retrofitted dune buggy and navigate a course completely on their own."
Soon enough, there wouldn't be any excuse for Blinds and DeafBlinds to not be able to navigate to anywhere in the world. How sweet is that?
Interesting possibility!