Thursday, June 3, 2010

So do you think Deaf or Hard of Hearing can dance???

Hey! So you think you can dance??? What about Deaf people??? Can Deaf people dance? Can they even feel the music? Well, Jarrell Robinson, a Deaf contestant from Glenwood, Illinois , seems to think so! He competed for a chance to be the best dancer on the show, "So You Think You Can Dance".

"I"m doing this for all the deaf community. I want them to know that deaf people can do anything. What they really want...if you put in your mind, you can do anything! As long you stay positive."

All the judges have agreed that Jarrell did a great job and is an inspirational role model for everyone else. Mad props to him.

So my question to you.

Where are the other Deaf dancers? Do we know any others?


  1. Aaw. I was hoping he would make it! Thanks for sharing this.


  2. Awesome!
    My deaf 12 year old Deaf son just finished his first year of modern dance training. His teacher got a large drum so he can feel the rythm through the floor. When he performs with an ensemble you can't tell he is Deaf. Turns out he is a talented dancer. Of course deaf peaple can dance!
