Which leads to the next question...........
"Does a particular language offer more benefits and advantages over another language in the children's development?"
Is Chinese better than English? Is Spanish better than French? Should we have stayed with Latin instead of evolved into English? Should we speak with better dialects instead of slangs?
Or about this one?? Sign Language is the best of all...
There is a new research that theorizes sign language does help the babies to get along better with other people. You see, there are already some scientific evidences that shows babies can learn and communicate effectively through sign language BEFORE they start speaking. So because the fact babies are able to express themselves at an earlier age, the bonds between the babies and the others are enhanced. There are less misunderstandings (Are you hungry? Need a nap?), frustrations, and tensions.
If you are interested more about this; this is a good place to start. http://scienceblogs.com/cognitivedaily/2009/01/can_sign_language_really_help.php