Saturday, December 26, 2009

Deaf clubs are fading....

Hello Gentlemen and Ladies,

I hope you are all enjoying your weekend. It is always nice to work only 4 days a week instead of the usual 5 days a week.

Meanwhile, I was sent an email with the title, "Why Deaf Social Clubs suffer?"( Sure enough, I was intrigued. I opened it up and there was a link to a video. After watching it, I couldn't help it, but agreeing with the narrator.

He gave 5 primary reasons :
  1. Disagreement among members
  2. No volunteers
  3. Deaf people stay home because of video chats
  4. Older and younger members are apart
  5. ASL and oral members are apart
I only have one simple response to this...
      Welcome to 21st century!!!! Everyday, technology (and science) force us to open our eyes to the world... the REAL world... By forcing us to open our eyes further, literally million of opportunities appear in front of us. We have so many more doors than before... How do we choose which door to open? I'll give you an easy example... Back in time, if we were to look for a job, we simply go into the newspaper or go to the employment office. That's pretty much it. Today, we can look for a job anywhere in the world; thanks to the Internet.
      (Looking at #4 and #5), ASL and oral students + Older and younger members socialized among each other. That was because they HAD to. Back in time, It was much harder to find other people who have the same interests. But now, we have Facebook, emails, VP, and etc. It is so much easier to find other people with same interests as you. It is only natural for us to abandon the old traditions and go onto new trends. Things are changing on a daily basis... Keep up with it or go home. :)

The truth is........

Yes, Deaf clubs are fading away......


Hundreds of Deaf organizations are appearing.....

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